Racisms and I

Wriju Ghosh
3 min readJul 23, 2020

Each one of us deals with racism in our everyday life. Unfortunate George Floyd has to die to prove it again and again. No one should get hurt in today’s world. No one has the right to hurt anyone just because there is a difference.

I am a short guy. Since my school days, I have been hearing about it. I made it a part of my life but it hurts. At times I feel I wish I could grow taller even at the age of 40. Now I realize its a form of racism, not a lethal one but something which hurts deep inside me. I can easily heal my wound but it hurts at times. Most of the time I ignore. I ignore and I know I cannot grow anymore. It was not my choice. Who I can blame it for? No one. Because I see sons or daughters outgrow their parents. I could not outgrow my dad. My brother is taller than me a lot taller than my dad too. I can’t blame my parents for it. So this would be part of my life as long as I am socially meeting people around. Some say it out loud, some are silent and their behavior makes me feel uncomfortable. I can only imagine what it would mean for extreme cases of racism. IT HURTS. To kill someone with racism actual KILLING is not mandatory. The world around us is brutal.

Racism is not about just ethnicity. It could be any dimension of human data. You name it and there is a possibility of racism. Some of the attributes don’t matter. Because you know your limit. For example, I can’t buy an island myself or have my private jet with the current savings of mine. So if anyone rich is racist because I don’t own them would make me only smile. But let me remind you that it is racism. Your ability to ignore helps you move on. I decline all sorts of religious racism. In India, the caste system plays a key role in racism. I don’t belong to a higher class but the environment I grew up does not influence this cast system. Now I live in the Southern part of India where it is quite prominent. I see a high cast family don’t invite their close neighbor in family gatherings. It looks odd to me but people are cool. I think they just ignore it.

The solution to racism is not easy. As long as humans are not becoming robots racism would remain prominent in our society. The victims here owns the part of being cool. The word COMPROMISE would play a key role. But there will be protests — voice to fight for. People setting examples, parents telling their children the things one must avoid. It’s an internal conflict in human society.

When I am very angry I don’t send emails. Sometimes the heat of the moment I write an email and save in draft. Everyone has opinions. But expressing them requires moderation. That’s why the word PAUSE plays a key role.
No one should kill anyone physically and mentally — protest it.
But be cognizant about the fact that you don’t contribute to the collective racism of our society. Our small conscious effort help us build a better society slowly. It’s a journey, not a one-off.

Wriju, July 2020 (Personal view)



Wriju Ghosh

Wriju is a professional programmer captured in cloud. Reach out to @wrijugh at Twitter. Speaks Bengali and C#